Mis primeros pasos por Irlanda del Norte

Jueves, 30 de abril de 2015
Salí del trabajo aquel día a la hora de siempre, y me fui directo al Aeropuerto de Lavacolla con la intención de coger el avión de Aer Lingus con destino Dublín que había comprado meses atrás. Mientras, aquella canción de The Dubliners resonaba en mi cabeza una y otra vez... Resquicios de aquel viaje a Irlanda que tanto me marcó en febrero de 2010.
In Dublin' next arrived, I thought it such a pity
To be so soon deprived a view of that fine city
Then I took a stroll all among the quality
Bundle it was stolen in that neat locality
Something crossed me mind when I looked behind
No bundle could I find upon me stick a wobblin'
Crying after the rogue, they said me Connaught brogue
It wasn't much in vogue on the rocky road to Dublin'
One, two, three, four, five...
To be so soon deprived a view of that fine city
Then I took a stroll all among the quality
Bundle it was stolen in that neat locality
Something crossed me mind when I looked behind
No bundle could I find upon me stick a wobblin'
Crying after the rogue, they said me Connaught brogue
It wasn't much in vogue on the rocky road to Dublin'
One, two, three, four, five...
Pero no iba a Dublín. Ni siquiera iba a la República de Irlanda. En esta ocasión tocaba visitar un país diferente, un país nuevo, uno de los cuatro que constituyen el llamado Reino Unido: Irlanda del Norte.
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